I am a Shaman, certified through the HEALING THE LIGHT BODY SCHOOL – Alberto Villoldo, author of Shaman Healer Sage, The Four Insights, Mending the Past, Wisdom Power and Grace of the Earthkeepers, Dance of the Winds Healing States, A Journey into the World of Spiritual Healing, Shamanism Island of the Sun, Mastering the Inca Medicine Wheel, Courageous Dreaming How Shamans Dream the World into Being The Four Winds A Shaman’s Odyssey into the Amazon and other books and DVDs.
I have always been interested in how we can use our own minds to heal ourselves. In 1976, I died in an auto accident. I have been on a journey ever since. I have studied the American Indian, the Illuminati, the Rosicrucians, Roslyn Chapel, Glastonbury Tor, Chalice Well, Stonehenge, Crystal Skulls, Flower of Life - Merkaba, Comte St. Germain - Ascended Masters, Kabbalah – to name a few - and back to the Native Americans and the Peruvians. I even wrote a book, as of yet unpublished, about these journeys titled “Journey Along With Me The Best Is Yet To Be”.
I became a Hypnotist through Dr. Harry Arons and The Association for the Advancement of Ethical Hypnosis in 1977.
I studied, and became a certified Hado instructor, with Massaru Emoto, seen in the movie “What the Bleep Do We Know”, and author of The Power of Water, The Healing Power of Hado, The Hidden Messages in Water, and many more. “I also took a course in bioenergetics and became certified to use the ETA (Hado) Scan, and went on to study Cell Salt Therapy and the use of Holistic Remedies”.
I finally was led to the Munay-ki with Alberto Villoldo. The Munay-ki are the 9 rites of initiation to become a person of power and wisdom, to protect us and prepare us, for 2012 and beyond by installing bands of power, and other energetic transmissions, changing us from Homo Sapiens to Homo Luminous – I can teach you how to pass on these 9 rites to others to help raise the positive energy of the world.
I went on to three years of training through The Four Winds Society and Alberto Villoldo, to become a certified Shaman.
I offer Shamanic Energy Alignment in many forms – suited to the individual. The process of Illumination, Extraction, Soul Retrieval and Cord Cutting, are the main ones, but I can also offer Fire Ceremony, Spirit Water Cleansing, Cuttis, Mesa Proxy, Death Rites and more – as well as gifting and teaching you to gift the Rites of the Munay-ki.
I look forward to sharing what I have learned.